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Permanent Housing with Supportive Services

Permanent housing with supportive services is the intersection of an affordable housing service with social support services. Permanent housing is leased to residents and case management is provided to assist residents with establishing stable living. CHAT master leases these properties to CHAT residents and supports them through the leasing and living process.

Movers Carrying Packages

Our Programs

Formerly known as “Housing Now”, Housing for All is CHAT’s largest program. Housing for All is a housing program that fills the gap to provide affordable housing, especially for folks who are homeless, low-income, seniors, disabled, or formerly incarcerated. Housing for All master leases properties and provides residents with supportive resources. Entry into the Housing for All program is through the Butte County Coordinated Entry System, which is a database for folks needing housing in Butte County.

Housing for All

Harmony at Home is a permanent supportive housing program that supports unhoused individuals with mental health diagnoses. Originally beginning as the “Harmony House,” Harmony at Home has grown to a multiple home program. Residents in Harmony at Home receive additional support and case management. Life skills training, group activities, and reduced rent are all provided to give residents independence.  

Harmony at Home

Chico Housing Action Team is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization (tax identification number 46-5487014) under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.

© 2035 Chico Housing Action Team


PO Box 4868

Chico, CA 95927







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