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CHAT Awarded $280K in Housing Grants!


Thank you, City of Chico! We're thrilled that the city council voted to allocate just over $280,000 to CHAT at their council meeting on May 18th. This money will be used to fund the continuation of the HUSH program, a very successful program in existence for over two years already that helps families who were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by providing them with wrap-around services and a full-time dedicated case manager. This program has helped 18 families move into permanent housing. The funding for this program is currently through a state HEAP grant that runs out at the end of this month, so this is excellent timing! But we're even more thrilled that the city is allocating money for a temporary campground, which is a much-needed solution to start helping the homeless folks in Chico. Said CHAT Executive Director Leslie Johnson: "It was a good night all around". Shown here is one of the HUSH families just after they moved into their new home.

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