We recently got to meet up with the amazing folks from Butte County Behavioral Health (BCBH) folks who made the REST proposal happen! We met at the Santa Excavation yard and toured the Everhart Village sleeping cabins which are getting out-fitted with insulation, plumbing, electrical, and drywall by teams of volunteers. We loved meeting everyone and we're looking forward to plenty of good work together for the folks who will live at Everhart Village.

Pictured left to right, front, standing, are BCBH staff Brenda Mullennix, Kim Peoples and Holli Drobny, and behind them, left to right, Sarah Frohock, Melody Robinson, and Christa Taylor. On the right, in front are CHAT Executive Director Nicole Drummond and Communications Manager Theresa O'Connor. Standing behind them are Butte County Dept of Employment Services' Housing and Homeless Administrator Don Taylor, and CHAT Social Service Director Amber Benedict. Not shown is Mart Brown, also with BCBH, who took the photo.