Greetings CHAT and Simplicity Village supporters! We've been notified that the Chico City Council will hold a special city council meeting on Tuesday Sept 24th at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber (Chico Municipal Center, 421 Main Street) to address the most recent appeal against Simplicity Village, following the vote in favor of Simplicity Village from the Chico Planning Commission on August 1st and the subsequent appeal to the city council. The agenda for the 9/24 special city council meeting should be published on or around Sept 18th. We're asking all supporters of Simplicity Village who can make it to the meeting on 9/24 to attend and respectfully show your support for our tiny house village project. Letters to the editor of your favorite local newspaper are also encouraged, as community leaders frequently look to these to gauge community support. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who's been supporting this project!