Everhart Village is coming! This long-awaited project will contain sleeping cabins for 20 to 24 individuals who are experiencing homelessness and who have been referred by Butte County Behavioral Health due to experiencing some kind of mental illness. This project will answer a huge unmet need in our community. To give the public a chance to hear more about the project directly from CHAT staff and get your questions answered, on October 6th at 6 pm, we're hosting a public forum on Zoom. Click this link at that time to join the meeting.
Then on October 7th, we’re launching "The Road Home", our crowdfunding campaign for Everhart Village. We're close to fully funding it. And we'll need your help to make it happen.
For our crowdfunding project, we hope to raise $100,000 for the 200-foot-long road needed to enter the village, including a hammer-head turn for emergency vehicles to be able to turn around. This road is vital for us to be able to move the sleeping cabins into the village. To be successful, we need to raise $30,000 in the first few days after October 7th. Please contribute early. We'll send details soon with a link to contribute. Can we count on you?
Everhart Village is the culmination of years of work and we are very excited to be so close to bringing it to life. Thank you for your continued support of CHAT.