CHAT executive director Leslie Johnson and her husband Bob Trausch, a CHAT board member, recently spoke with Chico News & Review about the legal case against the city regarding the Simplicity Village property. It's a fair article and a good description of the legal issues involved and we recommend it for anyone wanting to learn what this is all about.
From the article, "Hanging in the balance: Tiny home village’s future to be hashed out in court":
"CHAT is confident in the city’s ruling, but the organization still has made changes to its plans to address some of Solinsky’s concerns, including writing into tenant contracts that they will not complain about the lumber yard’s early morning operations. The property will be fenced and well-managed, Johnson and Trausch told the CN&R. They’ll also have vans to transport people, and parking to prevent overflow onto nearby streets.
“We’re really trying to think of everything that could help improve the situation,” Johnson said. She added that CHAT realizes a tiny home community “isn’t the ideal. As a community, we are doing what we can, and the most and the best we can to try to offer one solution,” she said. “And it’s a temporary solution … but it’s much better than having someone living on the street or dying on the street,” Trausch added."
